Este lanzamiento es el último y largamente esperado segundo disco de los magníficos HIPBONE SLIM AND HIS CROWNTOPPERS. En los surcos de este artefacto, con un precioso diseño, encontrarás catorce grandes canciones compuestas con mucho gusto y ritmo para amenizar los más salvajes bailes.
¿Y quiénes son los Crown Toppers?
Son una banda de talentosos músicos liderados por el prolífico y ubicuo Hipbone Slim, también conocido como Sir Bald. Los “Toppers” tocan 2 tipos de música: ¡¡Rock and Roll y Rhythm and Blues!! ¡Hacen música para bailar, comer, beber, gritar y caerse por el suelo!
Sus miembros son conocidos por sus trabajos anteriores de Sir Bald y su peludo séquito. Como THE KNEETREMBLERS, su grupo más conocido, tienen multitud de discos pero también puedes encontrarlos en las filas de THE KNEEJERK REACTIONS y THE NINE TON PEANUT SMUGGLERS, así como bajo muchos otros nombres.
En los Crowntoppers, los “Tremblers” están acompañados por el Coronel MFC Evoy al saxofón y el Sr. Slim Cyder a las teclas. Cuando Slim no puede tocar por estar destilando sus proipios brebajes, se encarga de las teclas Kid Wig, un viejo acompañante de Sir bald.
¡¡¡Sube el volumen y prepárate para bailar con los CROWN TOPPERS!!!
It’s the newest, long awaited, second long playing record release by the magnificentHIPBONE SLIM AND HIS CROWNTOPPERS. In the micro-grooves contained within this delightfully designed and most attractive dust exclusion device you will find fourteen toppermost tunes of terrific taste and tempo for twisting times. Totally tremendous! Tip Top!! By Jove!!!
The Crowntoppers are a talented musical group led by the prolific and ubiquitous Hipbone Slim a.k.a. Sir Bald. The ’Toppers play both types of music—they play Rock and Roll. And they play Rhythm and Blues! Music to dance, eat, drink, yell and fall over to, so I am told! The Crowntoppers are particularly popular with the younger generation who greatly enjoy the exciting dance-friendly rhythm and beat of the ’Tops’ terrifi c music!
Some of you may be familiar with some of the previous work of Sir Bald and his hairy cohorts. As THE KNEETREMBLERS the guys have made a multitude of records. A multitude! So many that you would probably be running out of fingers and toes if you were to try counting them all! Fans might also be interested to check them out moonlighting as THE KNEEJERK REACTIONS and THE NINE TON PEANUT SMUGGLERS as well as under many other weird and wonderful monikers.
In the Crowntoppers the ’Tremblers are augmented by Colonel MFC Evoy on saxophone and Mr. Slim Cyder on keys. When Slim is away preoccupied with brewing his own voodoo-and-apple-derived alcoholic beverages long time Bald associate Kid Wig can be heard tinkling the ivories.
HIPBONE SLIM a.k.a. SIR BALD: Vocals & guitar
SLIM CYDER: Piano & organ (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11-14), except (a,c):
KID WIG: Piano & organ (1, 5, 8-10)
All songs : (Sir Bald) Alopecia Music, except :
‘I Dig Your Wig’ (Guy—Dixon) Arc Music
Recorded at Gizzard Studios, London.
Engineered by Ed Deegan.
A Sir Bald Production.
Cover by Bruce at Arthole Retrographics.
(Recording fi rst published 2019)
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